Convert password sharers to customers

Claim your 30-day free trial

Key benefits


Identify password sharing

Accurately detect accounts that are sharing credentials or have had their credentials stolen to be sold in the black market


Increase Revenue

Convert or upgrade account sharers to paying subscribers, and reduce infrastructure costs incurred by shared or stolen accounts

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Work with Experts

Take advantage of our skills and experience, leveraging our knowledge to ensure you get the best analysis and insight for your business

Capabilities & features​

Convert sharers into paying subscribers

Target and personalise your responses to grow your subscriber base, segment account owners and tap into a hidden market already enjoying your service.

Dashboard reports for deeper insights

Gain rapid, highly granular insights into subscriber behaviour and use CSFEye’s intuitive dashboards to build an action plan.

Calculate the impact of action

Utilise CSFEye’s built-in ROI calculator to immediately quantify the level to which account sharing and fraud are impacting your business.

Identify sharing and fraud activity

Apply proven behavioural analysis algorithms to quantify rogue activity, pinpoint threats, and assess the impact of sharing.

Get your free trial today

Continuously analysing subscriber activity data without impacting day-to-day operations, CSFEye protects your business and reputation, controls your infrastructure costs, and helps generate additional revenue streams.

Click below to claim your 30-day free trial and discover how we can help you minimise risk and maximise business opportunities.

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Hear from the experts

Learn from the team behind CSFEye to learn more about what drove Synamedia to help video services tackle password sharing

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