CTV Ad Days Latin America

Location pin icon Mexico, BelAir Unique Mexico City WTC Hotel
Calendar icon October 5, 2023
Clock icon 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm

The 3rd edition of CTV Ad Days Latin America (previously Nextv Ad Latin America) will be held on the 5th of October 2023 in Mexico City and will bring together the whole Latin American TV advertising ecosystem to explore the latest developments in TV advertising and how programmatic and TV strategies integrate.

Our expert in the region, Enrique Torres, will be speaking in the panel session “Integration of addressable TV and OTT inventories” on Thursday, October 5, 2023, 05:00 PM – 05:30 PM (CDT).

  • Systems for unified buying of targeted audiences
  • Extending the precision of dtata-driven advertising to the STB
  • Campaign customization: dynamic creative optimization
  • Advances and chellenges in cross-screen measurement


Other confirmed speakers on this panel are as follows:

  • Michel Bauer, General Director of Advertising Sales, izzi + SKY
  • Alberto Alvarez, CEO, Endavant

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